E-Screen Key Generator

OS ES supported
Generating the Code for your BlackBerry using the MEP from your phone rather than selecting the network, gives one single correct code for your phone (if you select the network there are more than one possible codes).

How to Read MEP from BlackBerry with out a cable?

First step is to access to the Help Me! menu, to do so, on the main screen of the phone hold the following keys:

«ALT» and «CAPS» (at the same time) and then press the key with the letter «H».


• For «Pearl» (and other BlackBerry with Sure-type input method): press (and hold) the letter "ALT" (bottom, left) and then press (alternately) the keys with the letters "E" "A" "C" "E".

• For «Storm» (and other BlackBerry with touch screens): press (and hold) the "back" (escape) button and click on the screen in the following areas (alternately) - TOP LEFT, TOP RIGHT, TOP LEFT, TOP RIGHT.

• For «Torch», press (and hold) the BlackBerry key and click on the screen in the following areas (alternately) - TOP LEFT, TOP RIGHT, TOP LEFT, TOP RIGHT. Press the "back" (escape) button.

Do NOT CLOSE the menuHelp Me!

Information from the screen "Help Me" («PIN», «App Version» and «Uptime»), enter in the form below to get the key to access the Engineering Screen and click "Get KEY".

When you received the KEY, now just enter this key on your BlackBerry (typing from the keyboard), directly in the previously opened menu "Help Me" (at the same time, when you enter the key, nothing will appear).

The letters are entered-as usual. To enter digits - press (and hold) the "ALT key" and enter the numbers.

After entering the full key, you will have an engineering menu (Engineering Screen).


* if you do not have an engineering menu - try to enter the key as above

* please note-if you closed the menu "Help Me" before receiving the key, you need to reopen the menu "Help Me" and in the form of key collection, enter the new data Uptime.

From the engineering menu, select OS Engineering Screens . In the menu «OS Engineering Screens» then click Device Info . In the menu «Device Information» scroll down until you see your MEP-XXXXX-XXX .